Monday, December 2, 2013

Getting ready for a break!

My first assignment is due today, but I submitted it last Monday!

Science is causing my mind to hurt.  The lesson plan creation was fun but the justification part takes some of the fun away.  The hardest part is finding information sources to reference rather than simply stating something I already know.

I've also been planning my placements and trying to work out where to undertake the last one in the hope of getting a job at that school.  I'm trying to decide between the school my daughter currently goes to or another Christian school a little further away (in which case we might change our kid's school).

I applied and was accepted into the Teacher Enabling Course (basic math and English as I finished Year 12 more than 10 years ago) so I can plan to do those two units in Trimester 3 next year.  Looking forward to the challenge of four units per Trimester (I'm currently only doing three).

Daughter will finish school next Monday and has seven weeks holidays!  Little Man will have 6 weeks holiday before starting kindy and Daughter's first day of year 1 is my first day of end of Trimester holidays!  Four weeks break with only Littlest Man full time!

It's been a big year for us this year and I'm ready for holidays.  We've been struggling to get up on time and have been getting to school right as the bell rings!

Must go and get another load of washing out on the line to dry in this heat, then get the dishes washed, the house tidied, the bed made, and finally get my assignment finshed!

Ciao for now!


Thursday, November 21, 2013

Hello and welcome!

My name is Rachel and I'm a wife to a wonderful husband named Scott.  We've been married for 6 years and we have 3 beautiful children together.  A daughter named Lucy who is almost 6 and about to finish Reception, a son named Charlie who is almost 4 and about to start Kindergarten and a baby son named Samuel who is almost 4 months old.

Since I finished school (a number of years ago now!) I've wanted to be a teacher, but never thought it would happen.  I resorted to planning homeschooling units for my older 2 children to do during school holidays, secretly hoping that it would change hubby's attitudes towards homeschooling (he doesn't believe it would suit our children and we have a great Christian school nearby that is affordable).

Back in September of this year, he came out of the blue and said 'why don't you look into external study for teaching?'  I jumped at the chance, found the University of New England in NSW, applied, was accepted (less than 24 hours after I'd submitted my application too!), and enrolled to begin in Trimester 3 on 28th October.

I am almost half way through my first trimester with 3 subjects and am thoroughly enjoying myself.  Teaching is going to be so much fun!

I thought I'd create a blog to share what life is like with a husband, 3 young children and trying to complete a university degree.  Some days are tough, but so far, most days have been great!  I'd love to hear from other mothers who are studying and share coping strategies or just a funny story.  I'll try and share some of my learning discoveries too and the exciting parts of my assignments!

Cheerio for now!

Rachel - Future Teacher